Thursday, 10 November 2011

Geena Davis Institute on Gender & Media

For those of us that had the wonderful opportunity to watch Miss Representation, Genna Davis was one of the powerful talkers that shared her views on the female roles in Disney cartoons.  She very observantly noticed that most of the attire of the female characters is incredibly provocative and leaves little to the imagination.  Needless to say this does not present to be a problem for the male counterparts.

Ms. Davis has an organization: Geena Davis Institute on Gender in the Media:   The objective for this organization is to create awareness in the the major discrepancies faced between the female and male characters, that it is being noticed, what is being done, and what to do before they become an issue in your household.  An example of what this organization highlights is, for example, the typical profession that a G-rated character finds itself in for example, this can be found on their research pages at:

This is a must-vist page for anyone wanting to familiarize themselves with how gender is constructed and molded in the media and will hopefully keep us cognizant of what we are being fed .

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